POLYFLON™ PTFE M-18 Daikin 聚四氟乙烯模塑粉末 日本大金 铁氟龙粉末
Daikin 的 POLYFLON™ PTFE M-18 是一种通用、填充、氟化聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE) 均聚物牌号。具有优异的低温强度、低摩擦系数、不粘、热、机械和电气性能。在很宽的频率范围内表现出一致的低介电常数、损耗因数、耐腐蚀和耐化学药品性。
推荐用于填料、垫片、隔膜、波纹管、衬里、管道组件、泵零件、O 形圈、V 形圈、衬套、滑动轴承、电气和绝缘车削胶带。用于绝缘套管、端子、连接器、插座、垫片、电子零件、实验室设备和薄膜刮削。
Daikin- Polyflon™ M-18 is a polytetrafluoroethylene virgin granular fine cut resin. This general purpose molding powder has been specifically designed for use in medium to large rod and billet compression molding applications.
POLYFLON™ PTFE M-18 by Daikin is a general purpose, filled, fluorinated polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) homopolymer grade. Exhibits excellent low temperature strength, low coefficient of friction, non-stick-, thermal-, mechanical- and electrical properties. Shows dielectric constant, dissipation factor which are uniformly low over a wide frequency range, resistance to corrosion and chemicals. Recommended for packings, gaskets, diaphragms, bellows, linings, piping components, pump parts, O-rings, V-rings, bushings, slide bearings, electrical and insulating skived tape. Used in insulating sleeves, terminals, connectors, sockets, spacers, electronic parts, laboratory equipment and thin film skiving. POLYFLON™ PTFE M-18 complies with FDA 21 CFR.177.1550, ISO 9001 (Quality System), ISO 14001 (Environmental System) and Responsible Care 14001 (Safety, Health, Environment and Security).
大金 PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)具有最高的熔点和最低的摩擦力,并且是所有含氟聚合物中惰性最强的。其连续工作温度额定值为 260 摄氏度(500 华氏度)。模塑粉末是优良的细切粒状树脂,非常适合各种要求苛刻的化学、机械、电气和不粘表面应用。
模塑料有均聚物和改性等级。典型应用包括用于电子零件、实验室设备、垫片、隔膜、O 形圈、滑动轴承、V 形圈、泵零件、密封件、片材衬里、脱模膜、填充化合物、波纹管、叶轮、容器和高精密零件的车削薄膜。纯度袋。